
Paranóia ou realidade?

Tenho um amigo que todos os dias me manda notícias como esta. Já tenho uma colecção de dezenas, todas deste género. Começo a ficar seriamente perturbado e agora até quando ando ao lado dele na rua fico sempre do lado de dentro do passeio e evito andar à frente, com medo que me empurre ou coisa parecida. Devo preocupar-me com ele ou não? Até os paranóicos podem ser assassinados!...

Serbian woman found dead in lift weeks after breakdown

BELGRADE, Jan 17, 2006 (AFP) - A repairman found a woman dead in the lift of her apartment block in the Serbian capital Belgrade at least 16 days after it broke down, reports said Tuesday.
The body of Adile Crnisanin, 26, was discovered on Monday in the lift which had become jammed between floors of her seven-storey apartment block, in suburban Medakovic shortly before New Year's Eve, local newspapers said.
The victim was not noticed until after the Serbian holiday period ended, when the management of the building arranged for a repairman to fix the lift, said the Blic and Politika dailies.
"Nobody had suspected anything because the elevators were often broken down," one of the residents of the building was quoted as telling Blic.
Her family had not sought her because they thought she had gone to visit her husband in Novi Pazar, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) south of Belgrade.
Both the reports said a syringe was found near the woman's body, without saying whether her death was connected with drugs.

7 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

É o que eu digo isto normalmente é volta de droga ou de internet.

Anónimo disse...

2006-01-11 - 00:00:00

PJ investiga acidente ou crime
Empurrado para a linha do comboio

A PJ está a investigar a morte de um jovem de 19 anos, filho do comandante dos Bombeiros de Oeiras, que anteontem à tarde foi colhido por um comboio na estação ferroviária de Belém, em Lisboa. Testemunhas no local dizem que o jovem não estava sozinho e que terá sido empurrado para a linha.

Natália Ferraz

Bruno caiu à linha no sentido Cais do Sodré - Cascais
“Brincadeira ou zaragata?”, esta é a questão que um dos funcionários da estação, que prefere manter o anonimato, coloca para a queda de Bruno Leal, de 19 anos, colhido mortalmente pelo comboio. O funcionário estava no interior do café da estação, quando ouviu o barulho da composição a travar bruscamente. Quando olhou viu “fumo” e ouviu os gritos de uma criança de dez anos, que assistiu a tudo e que já não quis regressar a casa de comboio.

Ao que o CM apurou junto de uma fonte da PSP, o jovem estaria na plataforma de acesso ao comboio que parte do Cais do Sodré com destino a Cascais. Não se sabe ainda quem o acompanhava, mas os passageiros que aguardavam o comboio na estação garantem tê-lo visto a ser empurrado, pelas 15h20. O INEM recebeu o alerta oito minutos depois, o que levou ao condicionamento ferroviário até às 19h00– hora a que foi removido o cadáver. “Foi levado à frente do comboio e não trucidado. Tinha ferimentos na cabeça”, disse uma testemunha.


No quartel dos bombeiros de Oeiras o silêncio pesa o ambiente. A notícia de que Bruno Leal morreu é ainda recente e as circunstâncias da sua morte, que ainda não foram completamente esclarecidas, torna a angústia maior. Os funcionários da corporação preferem esperar pelo resultado da autópsia antes de avançarem com palavras. Uma espera que, segundo dizem, tem sido dolorosa para a família.

Um amigo da família Leal disse ao Correio da Manhã que os parentes de Bruno Leal dizem que foi vítima de uma tentativa de assalto. “Ele terá sido abordado por desconhecidos e, como resistiu, empurraram-no para a linha do comboio”, disse. Já a Polícia Judiciária, contactada pelo nosso jornal, diz que está “a investigar as circunstâncias da morte”, escusando-se a adiantar a partir de que pressupostos, se o de acidente, se de homicídio ou outro. Segundo um amigo da família, que falou ao CM, o funeral deverá realizar-se amanhã. Bruno Leal, 19 anos, era estudante e vivia com os pais numa casa em São Marcos, Sintra.

carlopod disse...

Antes tinha mandado esta. Percebem-me melhor agora?

Elderly German lived for a year with dead wife

DRESDEN, Germany (AFP) - A 71-year-old man in Germany lived for about a year with the decomposing body of his wife until neighbors reported the stench from their apartment to authorities, police said Wednesday.
Officers alerted to the flat in this eastern city found the mummified body of the 75-year-old woman, who had apparently died of natural causes several months before, lying in the couple's bed.
Police said they had no reason to suspect foul play.

Anónimo disse...

Eu não queria matá-lo, eu só queria comê-lo.

Anónimo disse...

i love night bed stories

carlopod disse...

Mais duas...

Pillow squawk: parrot lifts lid on British woman's affair

LONDON, Jan 17, 2006 (AFP) - A talkative parrot is being blamed for the break-up of a couple's relationship after squawking the name of the woman's secret lover, British newspapers reported Tuesday.
Ziggy, an eight-year-old African grey, prompted a confession from 25-year-old call centre worker Suzy Collins that she was having a four-month fling with a former colleague when the pet blurted out: "Gary, I love you."
The bird had previously said "Hiya, Gary" when Collins' mobile phone rang and made kissing noises when the name was mentioned on radio or television but its owner, Chris Taylor, from Leeds, northern England, laughed it off.
But the computer programmer -- who bought the bird as a chick and named it after singer David Bowie's alter ego, Ziggy Stardust -- said the penny dropped when the couple were snuggled up on the sofa before Christmas.
"We were watching telly when Ziggy blurted out, 'I love you, Gary' in Suzy's voice. I started laughing but when I looked at Suzy, I could tell something was up. Her face was like beetroot and she started to cry," the 30-year-old said.
"I felt sick to my stomach. She told me that she'd been seeing someone she'd met at work called Gary and that she wanted to finish with me.
"She said she was going to tell me anyway but she didn't know how and couldn't find the right time. I've not idea who this Gary is. I was devastated. Suzy left that night and I've not seen her since.
"She came back to collect her stuff when I was out. I hope I never see her again."
Collins told newspapers she was not proud of her actions but admitted she never liked Ziggy in the first place.
Taylor -- already divested of a girlfriend -- has now given away Ziggy.
"I couldn't get him to stop saying that bloody name... what else could I do?" he said.

British dentist disbarred for letting fiancee drill

LONDON, Jan 17, 2006 (AFP) - A dentist in Britain has been barred from the profession after letting her fiancee, who had no training, treat more than 600 patients who suffered at his hands, medical officials said Tuesday.
Mogjan Azari, 39, a dentist in south London, was sentenced to 12 months in prison last March by a British court, and her fiancee, Amidi Mazaheri, 42, to two years in jail.
Pretending to care for the patients with toothaches, the fiancee, an Iranian national, actually left them in more pain. He drilled the teeth without anesthesia and put in fillings at exorbitant costs that only lasted a few days.
The costs for the dental care were sent to Britain's National Health Service (NHS) for reimbursement. The couple of "dentists" also requested money for procedures that were never done on patients.
In all, they had received some 120,000 pounds (175,000 euros).
The council of dentists found that Azari, of Iranian origin but holding Swedish nationality, was guilty of a very serious lack of professionalism.

Anónimo disse...

aposto que o rapaz tem um part-time no crime e faz umas horas no 24 horas. investiga...